bmw car on lift symbol izito ws A Car Lift Quality ResultsAdFind Quick Results from Multiple SourcesPowerful and Easy to Use Explore the Best Info Now bmw car on lift symbol zapmeta ws Car LiftAdSearch Faster Better Smarter at ZapMeta Now Information 24 7 Web Images Video Wiki News More
328i red car lift symbol 25 10 2015 Its a 2009 328i with 60K miles on it What does it Answered by a verified BMW Mechanic I have a red car on lift symbol in service and below it say 2900 Its a 2009 328i with 60K miles on it What does it mean Show More the car on a lift symbol alone means there is some kind of electronics failure bmw car on lift symbol Based on txvette s statements the car is a year old and has 700 miles on it I m surprised the battery has lasted that long so logically the indication is for the yearly state inspection if it has been set in the system and not the 30 000 mile inspection symbol that appears and everyone asks questions about This morning started the car to drive to work and I got the yellow car on the lift icon That light is telling you that your car s service is due An HPFP failure would not be that icon but you would have a SES Service Engine Soon light plus the and maybe the yellow engine symbol light on
The car on the lift symbol might also indicated need for periodic state inspection as determined by the reset date interval bmw car on lift symbol This morning started the car to drive to work and I got the yellow car on the lift icon That light is telling you that your car s service is due An HPFP failure would not be that icon but you would have a SES Service Engine Soon light plus the and maybe the yellow engine symbol light on the red car on a lift warning light came on today when I started my car accompanied by my brake sign on like my parking brake is engaged I know its not
bmw car on lift symbol Gallery
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